Caesura coda.
Sister’s wiener lay on sand.
Beach fire and burnt stick. Wiener in hand, she ran.
Cold wave took away. Sister stand.
Watch wiener
float slow.
Wrap in foil.
Burrowed into beach. Loaded mortar:
Dropped potato into hole. Covered over.
Piled driftwood dry.
Hour fire.
Sand sear.
Little feet. Sun scorch.
Frolic jaunt over blister burn.
Run for water. Pause a bit.
Wee paws on beach towel.
Teary sear abate.
Old log.
Exhumed. Rolled.
Floated out. Little legs.
Little butt. Ladybug.
Log near going under.
Pulled back to shore.
We have mallow.
Slow sloth seep.
Descend from stick tip.
Mallow sizzle on glow coal.
Tear sear now
slow abate.
Dead father.
Made ash in oven.
Made mix with sand.
Made ash on hand. Sister’s son ran:
Cold lake wave rinse. We grown,
wipe paw. Lemon-scent
Delirious Ham
Delirious ham
glaze in rain haze hung
heavy in a gallon sack
of prevalence jellied throwback
and pleasement. Already put outside
all pointed and existing detail to sharpen
partially subordinate furrows.
Had coffee with pie.
Delirious ham
that which for no better been.
Verges on the river cushion. Poling
with pill bottle clutch and muffin
doily under the knees. Sneak beer
bottle from a toilet tank, brainpan
merge to please via glottal halt.
Top pull over new tit.
Delirious ham
while bent a brain putty to jut
span a high back, blush. Wood
to further her and drive home.
Shoe by door. Sock slip
on slick floor. Board splinters
tan a hide. Fallowed. Warm pat
eased down the butterside.
Delirious ham
tender plate near potato, bun.
Hide by soot jacket and trouser.
Carrot rod in sugar sheen. Sip the milk
from lead crystal. Lick of the serve tray.
Undercover of linen, tush and boot
are tapping up the youngerside.
Wash back another percocet.
SQUID ACCUSED: Pretty Paulie said I stole her hat, but I’m
a cephalopod for Chrissake!
CONSTABLE: You’re naught but a grotty siphon suckling
on society’s teat.
SQUID ACCUSED: Mother may have made me, but society has me
tugging at the dugs. I’m only squid in hoodie by accusatory gaze, not amoral
nature. As a rule I only tipple in sips.
CONSTABLE: And yet, esophageal tissues constricted.
You draw sustenance from―
SQUID ACCUSED: I draw mouthsquirt from only the cold grey underbelly!
CONSTABLE: And consuming the clamskin that undergirds
our community!
SQUID ACCUSED: My lips may indeed pucker and wrench the
stiffened nipple of the nocturnal city, yet the daylight dwellers have nothing
to fear from me.
CONSTABLE: Still, you are emptying the mother’s
breast. You might wish you were yet a wee babe on mummy’s lap?
SQUID ACCUSED: I’m made sickly viridescent by those juices
of remembrance. Back at the old house, the sea has covered the lawn.
CONSTABLE: You now eschew the power of the squid?
SQUID ACCUSED: No, I live with what I am. Mother’s
tentacles reach out from the fetid waters. There is no denying from where I
CONSTABLE: Surely that water ebbs then recedes?
SQUID ACCUSED: I’m still a sieve in the sluice,
CONSTABLE: I see now. Left feebled and wan,
lip-groping with mouthrot.
SQUID ACCUSED: Yes! Vincent’s angina. Mother passed it
with her kiss.
CONSTABLE: Mum’s not to blame for your poor choices!
SQUID ACCUSED: From just below the surface, her dead black
eyes stare out. They watch.
CONSTABLE: She too was born of the sea. Indeed,
squids’ arms are many and suctioned.
SQUID ACCUSED: So me, cursed from the outset.
CONSTABLE: But sink or swim. You chose to crawl from
the mire, to walk into town on two legs.
SQUID ACCUSED: My evolution required proximity to people.
CONSTABLE: The city exists for community. Unfortunate
it is that the moor drains its progeny here.
SQUID ACCUSED: Yes, the bog absolves itself via lavage.
CONSTABLE: You belong back with the sedge: nightdress
and dark, eely tentacles groping for moonglow, not neighbor’s pocketbook.
SQUID ACCUSED: My purse ran low on wampum.
CONSTABLE: So you come to town, nick a bit from strangers,
and then blame Mum for what you’ve become?
SQUID ACCUSED: I did it for my Mother. She might’ve looked
fine in Pretty Paulie’s hat.
CONSTABLE: You were caught in the commission of a
petty crime. Why not run when I fired warning shots?
SQUID ACCURSED: I took a bullet through the neck.
CONSTABLE: Ah, yes. I hear
you breathing through the hole.
The Itinerant
I balustrade the
itinerant airship. I am dilaudid amuse en scène.
Resold snake meat
as that of the shaven fish, taken down the dead
to make her wigs,
rorschach quandary of doing the what now
to be live. Wear.
Liminal. Wrapt intaglio labia like a woolen pillar.
She of me. Bare to
stir dread with white still, whole and throttle.
Breathe la
nouvelle vague and the drop hat in a silent dawn
haven of blanket
plush and pills. Break egg in a hot pan. Bird
on the sill with
feed in beak and rooster lord on the back coop
all cackly and
such. Trainyard and town square barrow hawk ruckus.
Naught but the
butter dish near the plum puff. And the coffee bean
percolator on a
tick gas range. And the twisted dishcloth. And the
pill down kick a
ride river of juice to choke back sleep residual. I’ve
had my putties’
break brought to fleece via chilly dip, she and me
naked in the
quarry foam, bare ass between the leaf shadow curious eye
and Dutch parceled
twinge. Later, paint vaginal sprawl across canvas
and a hard crick at
the forehand free of persona. I’m wan. I am the other
face, boat broken
askew over rock shore back where color bleed
and rain flow like
of a hose. I am fused of an afternoon filtered through
a lattice of deck
craggle and lowered to the compromise hold. Water
cold where it lap
at her back brought by drip kick of thorazine treat did.
She gone and dress
wet. She near. She me. Shear the lamb and smack
pink haunch as it
lay crooked upon the altar, and come inside. Dark
where I hold this.
She after with ear to the old plaster. Voices, closet
door on a squeak
hinge, and jazz dance like a heave on the offbeat.
This be me with
face sheen slight on bent glass, glazing chipped
at the jamb. She
too be of me, for the fissure crack arose to give.
The thrush peck
pulled bug and blown seed further weaken me. I’m
all apart. In a
strange town on a washout street, scuttle from glare
of God beam while
every carriage wheel whimper like a newborn. Stare.
I’m both that caul
and in-pined, of the spilt afterbirth and worm riddled.
I loved a girl
once. She married a man and bore him children. Though
of pound and
passersby I’d have put my head to her critch spur
and sleep, patsy
pillow breathe soft under me. The itinerant airship.
Labial suction.
Gentle queef. Hide I do like a vole in a cello. More pill
in the dark
resound chamber. Skull bone dome split and the meats within
buoyant foam at the edge and on dine. I may still be of face
to her nook. Could
be even me only. Could be semiotic in a wooden bowl
with a ginger
press. Had I wooden leg. Float in a tube of neon effluence.
Imminent from the
top down and collar skewed to the wonk edge,
flapper and
pillbox cut decorative mesh. I raise my umbrella. Fat drops
pad upon seal skin
page like chub fingers of a dozen hungry beadles
eager for the
group plate age. Each tap an echo now. The sound. Slow.
Just me from under
looking out as rain balls float in damp air, smog
particle swirl
inside once left air afloat from the coal burn furnace.
Now in wee ball,
cobbled street and patisserie inversion held over
sky water, airship
slow like move shadow below. There she jimmied
between orbs. Wind
rise. I gout lip. She wide eye hole. Custodial
baton rises out
from open manhole. Pank sack pulled back and thread.
She quick to fetch
a key and retreat instead. I cross the street.
Notion and I’m
back astoop and knocking at her door. Stitched.
Jiggle the mail
lever. I’m still and sliding out of face. Pressed
to plexiglas with
essential nightjar and whitethroat tidy in my ruined
mulberry ducal.
I’m restrung in sticky nettles with a whistle past
and a furry ball
drupe burden bear on, thrown a bundle and wear
a wide-brimmed
hat. Spinach mushroom risotto bed with salmon paste
wafting past. You
take a pinch of light through the mail slot, spin
like sugar fibre
twine and laid out. Our molecules dissolve. I lamb
baste the
knothole, struck dumb and blue in the broken dusk breach
of lilac bloom
plank. But to stone step and fish for clutch of dilaudid.
She of me
somewhere, deep in the putty, leather pump caught
in my corpus
collosum and await for her own fix to kick. Thorazine
to quiet voice.
Benzedrine stash in the chifforobe. Cabriole foot
carved of hickory
bough, brain lake laid wait awash and indicate
threaded filter of
wood slat that intricate poise, tire. Incise design
on the velvet paw. I
wait on ease, endorphin or any old opioid
flowage. Thorazine quiet her and I’m alone. Still.
Trousers soaked on
the cold wet stone. Home. Or near home
but can’t get in.
Door blocked, angel brain shot via vein and grant
no access. Though
she be me. The itinerant airship flow by above
my throttle put.
Ballast and batten, wordshed leaden and barren.
Start dragging the
grapple hook bone socket down from the hulk,
long soul cord to snag
the slouching crookback, head down as
despair button
favour the blind grope and muffle occasion.
Dirigible recalls
tendril and floats on. Swallow one last dilaudid.
Ache ease. Skull break like a breakfast egg, inner skin and
She inside dissolve now down to puddle stain on the foyer
Sun slip behind tree strand and eyeball flatten. She of
whether apart.
Splendid daffodil lit by gaslight along an edge of the
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