I know, I know. I haven't been using this blog much. We'll see if I can change that.
Today is officially my first day of summer break. I've been exercising a lot, but not really watching my calories, and the obvious result is that I've put on weight. As of today I'm weighing in at 215.6 lbs. I'm down 15-20 from this time last year, but I lost quite a lot of weight last year, and then put about 1/2 of it back on. I am setting a new weight loss goal for a 20 lb loss by the end of 2018. That sounds like a lot, but I lost close to 35 last summer. I can do it. I have upped my Fitbit goals for 20,000 daily steps, and 20 flights of stairs. Beginning now, I'm also going to track my calories again, drink my daily 64 fl oz of water, and sleep more than I usually do. Keeping up with blog posts is a part of my accountability.
This morning I went to the Mill City yoga in the park, alone because Donna was working. On the way there I felt anxious and growly (no breakfast), and I ended up bailing. Instead I walked for nearly 2 hours. It was great! Near the last mile or so it began to rain while I was crossing the Hennepin Bridge and I loved it! It is 4 pm now. Food intake reasonable. Exercise goals not yet met for today, but I'm close! Off to a good start.
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