Monday, June 11, 2018


I woke up at 3 am and made coffee. I played guitar for awhile. It suddenly occurred to me that I could go to Silverwood to photograph the sunrise. I checked the time of the rise and I had 15 minutes to get dressed and drive over there. So I did it.

I had an insight there. I was rushing around the park, trying to get to several different places to be in the best possible position for sunrise photos. I felt like I was struggling to be in multiple parts of the park and not quite making it to any of them. I had the sudden realization that I was already exactly where and when I should be. I was strolling the beautiful park right before sunrise. The only other people there were a few early morning risers getting in their AM walk. Birds were singing. The breeze was blowing through the leaves. I began to tune into the moment and the immediate surroundings, instead of looking to some imagined ideal place that I was not getting to in time. I slowed down and connected. It was an amazing moment!

I came home and rested for a little while, and then got up to exercise. I did 65 minutes on the treadmill and sweated a ton. My weigh-in after showering was 211.0 lbs. I always weigh in after my exercise, though this one is a bit deceptive because of my major sweat, but I'll take it! Once again, it's highly motivating to see the progress being made. This is only the start of day 3 and my weight is down 4.6 lbs.

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